Thursday, January 7, 2010

Upon This Rock / Let it Bleed

 By Starman

"Upon This Rock" and "Let it Bleed" is the 12th and 13th episode of the season 4 of Heroes. It aired as a back-to-back episode on January 4, 2010.

The series has turned to a much darker tone these past few episodes. It has already killed one of its main characters, Nathan Petrelli, and death is now possible to any of the other heroes. But this change did not help in making this episode a great one. The plot is either confusing or it makes no sense at all. Take for example Edgar going to Noah. He asks for his help to take down Samuel and gave him information. Realizing Noah would destroy his family, he escaped with all the information he just gave. This made no progress to the plot and now were back with Noah knowing nothing about Samuel and the carnival. Sylar's plot is also starting to look like the one he had during Season 3. He has no direction at all. Hiro's condition will take a lighter tone now that his mind is all jumbled up. Peter, however, would still remain in his be-a-hero state. It's only a matter of time before he starts to get entangled with the carnival.

The one thing that I liked about this episode is the confrontation between Samuel and Sylar. Though it was a very brief one, it showed what Samuel is capable of. I can't wait for him to use his powers against some of our heroes.

"And I thought freedom was just another word for nothing left to lose."
- Samuel discussing with Claire

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