Saturday, January 30, 2010

Et Cetera 01/30

Stuff we found on the Internet
by ManicallyDepressed

Recently, Apple announced the iPad. The name sucks, we know. But enough about what we think, instead, here’s’s views on the iPad. [ARTICLE]

Because of this week's Idol episode, I now officially love Katy Perry. [VID]’s Top Ten Worst Artists to Win A Grammy. [ARTICLE]

I’m sorry sir, but we prioritize rules over logic. [PIC]

As threatening as a butter knife. [NEWS]

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Psychic Vortex

The Big Bang Theory S03E12 Review
by ManicallyDepressed

For this episode, Penny and Leonard argued about Penny’s belief on psychics while Raj and Sheldon went to a university mixer with Sheldon acting as Raj’s wingman.

Finally, Raj gets the airtime he deserves. Although as expected, Sheldon delivers most of the punch lines, Raj and Sheldon has good chemistry. Last time we saw them together was in The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary (S03E05) wherein they joined a trading-card competition. Their good chemistry was also undeniable in that episode, though this was more effective in terms of comedic opportunities because their situation is of non-geeky nature (“wingman”-ship). It also introduced some female characters that we might see again. The Penny-and-Leonard plotline was lame. It is simply forgettable and bland. I think it might have been funnier if there was a scene where Penny and Leonard actually met with the psychic.

In summary, it was a good episode, all thanks to Sheldon and Raj. The Incredible Hulk impression of Sheldon is the funniest thing I’ve seen on TV so far this year.

Close to You

 By Starman

 "Close to You" is the 14th episode of the fourth season of Heroes. There are only five episodes left before the season ends so expect stories to get wrapped up.

 This is a great episode for me because the plots that were introduced to us in previous episodes are starting to get entangled to each other. We get to see Samuel in action again. I was disappointed though that he just used the dust for his escape. He is a very powerful man and I can't stand seeing his powers get wasted. Emma's importance to the story comes out in this episode through a brief glimpse of the future. Peter will also be revealed as the man that could replace Joseph. No details were given to the latter's power, but I guess we could safely assume that Joseph has that empathy thing. The main entanglement in this show was between Hiro, Ando, Dr. Suresh and Noah Bennet. They are now together, physically, and have a unified goal. Nothing much to say about Sylar, who still doesn't know where his going.

Expect resolutions and revelations as the latest season of Heroes approaches its finale.

"You know some days, maybe you just can't save the whole world. Some days you're better of just getting your house in order."
- Matt Parkman to Noah Bennet

Sunday, January 10, 2010

5 Reasons Why We NEED to Watch Chuck Season 3

by ManicallyDepressed

In less than 24 hours, our favorite geek is back! It seems like it was only yesterday that TV executives are debating on continuing the series. Although with budget cuts, I am excited for the 2-hour premiere and the rest of the season. In this article, I give you 5 reasons why canceling this great series may start World War III. These are the things we may be expecting for this season.

If you are not into the series, do NOT continue reading. This article includes big spoilers.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Thoughts on Sharon Cuneta’s Win on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

by ManicallyDepressed

Yes, you read the title right. A few hours ago, Sharon Cuneta beat the game to win 2 MILLION PESOS for a charity institution. The big question is…

How did she do it?

To answer the question, let’s do this the Slumdog Millionaire style.

A.) She cheated.
B.) She’s lucky.
C.) She’a a genius.
D.) It is written.

Hmm... I think I’ll go with D.) It is written. And I don’t mean it like how it was meant in Slumdog Millionaire.

If you still don’t know what I’m trying to say, what I’m simply saying is that Sharon Cuneta’s win is scripted, prearranged, for show only, or “lutong macau”. Need I say more?

First of all, I’m not saying that Sharon is not smart enough to win this game. I’m saying I can’t believe the way she did it.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Et Cetera 1/8

Stuff we found on the Internet
by ManicallyDepressed

Next week premieres the 9th season of American Idol. Same as ever, the season will start by giving us our serving of the worst auditions.

Mickey Mouse is dead! Sort of. 13 Overlooked Deaths of 2009.

No, Tiger Woods isn’t in this list (Sarcasm).

Bauer: Where were you on the night of the 24th? WHERE WERE YOU?!

My toy! My toy! MY TOY! ROAAAR!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Upon This Rock / Let it Bleed

 By Starman

"Upon This Rock" and "Let it Bleed" is the 12th and 13th episode of the season 4 of Heroes. It aired as a back-to-back episode on January 4, 2010.

The series has turned to a much darker tone these past few episodes. It has already killed one of its main characters, Nathan Petrelli, and death is now possible to any of the other heroes. But this change did not help in making this episode a great one. The plot is either confusing or it makes no sense at all. Take for example Edgar going to Noah. He asks for his help to take down Samuel and gave him information. Realizing Noah would destroy his family, he escaped with all the information he just gave. This made no progress to the plot and now were back with Noah knowing nothing about Samuel and the carnival. Sylar's plot is also starting to look like the one he had during Season 3. He has no direction at all. Hiro's condition will take a lighter tone now that his mind is all jumbled up. Peter, however, would still remain in his be-a-hero state. It's only a matter of time before he starts to get entangled with the carnival.

The one thing that I liked about this episode is the confrontation between Samuel and Sylar. Though it was a very brief one, it showed what Samuel is capable of. I can't wait for him to use his powers against some of our heroes.

"And I thought freedom was just another word for nothing left to lose."
- Samuel discussing with Claire

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

From all of us part of The Asterisks, Happy New Year!!! New year means new movies, tv shows and other stuff to review and we promise to provide you with more up-to-date articles.

Have a nice start of the year!!!